Wabash Middle School Girls Cross Country Places 2nd in RRC
By Katelin Lloyd | Sep 30, 2023 3:08 PM

The Lady Apaches had their last meet of the season this Saturday morning. The girls came to their final 3k race at the RRC hosted in North Manchester. The fight was fueled inside of the middle school girls to go and complete their season with all of the strength acquired through the 9 weeks of practice. The girls set off into the lingering fog of the morning with speed, riding on the backs of each other. The first mile went fast, but finishing out the last .9 was important. Placement was secured as the girls ran with grit into the shoot. One after another, the Apaches finished with the fire inside of them being larger than ever. This led to them finishing as a team in 2nd with a score of 71. Coming in first for the running Apache crew was 6th grader, Teresina Cordes, running a PR time of 11:42, taking 3rd place overall. Cordes has officially beaten the Wabash Middle School girls cross country record with her ending season time! Second for the team was another 6th grader, Sutton Stoffel, running in with a PR time of 13:11 and placing 12th overall. Coming in 21st place was 6th grader, Briar Stoffel, running a PR time of 13:56. Next was 7th grader, Eliza Denney, running in with a PR time of 14:03 and taking 25th place. Close behind her was Kinslee McBride, another 6th grader, running in 26th place with a PR time of 14:09. Kylie Mickleson, another 6th grader, followed in behind McBride with a PR time of 14:43 in 33rd place. Next for the Apache crew was Emma Cantrell, a 7th grader, running a PR time of 15:28 and finishing in 37th place. Rounding out the Apaches was Camille Coffman, running a career PR of 16:13 and taking 43rd place overall. There were 56 athletes within the race. This season showed great growth, despite having over half our team moving up to the high school crew. The team showed substantial stability as they maintained the second place finish in Conference as they had the previous year. With more newcomers to fill the gaps, the young lady Apache team will continue to thrive together for future seasons. Every single one of our 6-8th graders PRed on their final meet, along with our 5th graders wrapping up the season a week prior with PRs as well. What an incredible ending to the 2023 season!