Richmond High School

FinalForms and Sports Physicals

By Clay Bolser | Jul 24, 2023 1:02 PM

FinalForms Registration In order for your student to be eligible to participate in practices, All students must complete registration, and electronically sign the forms and Athletic Code of Conduct for Richmond High School. Parents will sign up by going to and locate the Parent icon and click New Account. PARENT REGISTRATION Type your NAME, BIRTH DATE, and EMAIL then click REGISTER NOTE: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete registration. If you do not receive an email, please check your SPAM folder. Check your email for an ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION EMAIL from FinalForms. Once you received and opened, CLICK CONFIRM ACCOUNT in the email text. Create your new FinalForms Password and click CONFIRM ACCOUNT Click REGISTER STUDENT for your 1st child. STUDENT REGISTRATION - you will need basic medical history, insurance information and policy, Doctor, Dentist, and medical specialist information as well as Hospital preference. Go to or the link on this website. Click LOGIN under Parent Icon Locate and click ADD STUDENT Type in the LEGAL NAME and other required information. PLEASE USE A PERSONAL EMAIL and NOT the RCS account. Then click CREATE STUDENT. If your student plans to participate in a sport, activity, or club then click the checkbox for each. Click UPDATE after making your selection. Selections may be changed until the registration deadline. Complete each form and sign your full name (for example "Clay Burnett") in the parent signature field on each page. After signing each, Click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form Your student then will receive an automatic email and prompt them to sign the forms..... REMEMBER, Please add a personal NON-RCS given email address for your student. SPORT PHYSICAL FORM LINKS Hard copy sport physical packets can be found in the main high school office. Click the link below to be taken to the current IHSAA sport physical form. Another option is to print your form directly from your Final Forms account after all annual updates have been applied. The image below shows what the button should look like if you would like to use this option instead. WHEN CAN I GET A NEW SPORT PHYSICAL? IHSAA Rule 3-10 will be followed when it comes to expiration dates for sport physical. “Physical examination must be performed on or after April 1 by a health care professional holding an unlimited license to practice medicine, a nurse practitioner, or a physician assistant to be valid for the following school year.“ For example: If a physical is completed on 4/1/2022 it will be good until 7/9/2023. However, if a physical is completed on 3/31/2023, it will only be good until 7/10/2023. WHO DO I TURN MY SPORT PHYSICAL IN TO? You may upload the athletic physical for on FinalForms or you can turn the hard copy in to Jennifer Lady in the Athletic Office If you are emailing the sport physical or uploading it directly to Final Forms, please upload it as a single file rather than each page being a separate file. If you turn in a hard copy, please make sure all pages for the sport physical are stapled together to minimize the risk of one of your sport physical papers getting mixed with someone else’s packet. WHO NEEDS A SPORT PHYSICAL? Anyone in grades 5-12 wanting to participate in athletic department extracurricular activities, this includes: student-athletes; anyone wanting to manage an athletic team, and; anyone taking part in special athletic events like powderpuff football. WHY DO I NEED A SPORT PHYSICAL EVERY YEAR? Aside from state rules, an annual sport physical is a useful tool for sports medicine staff to track student-athlete health and development. A lot of physical and psychosocial changes occur year-to-year for this patient population, and in order to mitigate risk and provide the best possible care for the Richmond Community Schools student-athletes, the sports medicine staff needs information on factors that may predispose some student-athletes to certain injuries or illnesses. I TURNED MY SPORT PHYSICAL IN, BUT FINAL FORMS SHOWS IT’S STILL MISSING, WHY? Our athletic staff needs to go through every sport physical and manually enter each expiration date into Final Forms. Please be patient with this process, but we will try to have the information updated within 24 hours. If you gave the paperwork to the coach instead of the office, then sometimes the paperwork doesn’t always make its way to the secretary in a timely manner. If it’s been a while since you provided the documents to the coach and Final Forms is still not updated, contact the coach to make sure the sport physical has been given to the athletic trainer.