Tennis (Girls V) Cheerleading Fall Soccer (Boys V) Basketball (Girls V) Tennis (Boys V) Baseball (JV) Golf (Girls V) Gymnastics (V) Swimming & Diving (Girls V) Softball (V) Football (V) Cross Country (Boys V) Cross Country (Girls V) Volleyball (Girls V/JV) Golf (Boys V) Track & Field (Boys V) Wrestling (Boys V) Swimming & Diving (Boys V) Soccer (Girls V) MS Boys Basketball Practice Basketball (Boys V) Baseball (V)

**Richmond High School Athletics: Academic Eligibility**

By Kevin Handley | Aug 21, 2024 8:52 PM

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**Richmond Athletics: Academic Eligibility** High school student-athletes at Richmond must be enrolled in a minimum of five courses each semester. Richmond High School offers a total of seven courses per semester. To remain eligible for athletic competitions, students are required to pass at least five out of the seven courses.

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