Richmond High School Basketball (Girls V) Swimming & Diving (Boys V) Basketball (Boys V)


By Clay Bolser | Dec 1, 2023 10:46 AM

Richmond Red Devil Athletes will be busy all day tomorrow 12/2/2023. The Boys and Girls Swimming and Diving teams start the day off with a dual meet against NCC Rival Kokomo beginning at 10:00 am. The Richmond Girls Basketball team will be hosting Carmel coached by former Richmond Red Devil All-Star Rick Risinger. The JV will tip off at 2:00 pm followed by the varsity at 3:30 pm. Saturday will be capped off by the Red Devil Boys Basketball Home opener with Floyd Central. The JV Boys will tip-off at 6:00 pm followed by the varsity at 7:30. Attached is a community information sheet with parking guidelines and admission locations for all activities. Go Devils!