Bishop Luers High School Football (Var)


By Michelle North | Dec 3, 2024 12:10 PM

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Congratulations to the entire football program on receiving an Exemplary Behavior report from the IHSAA officials of the 3A Football State Championship game! Even though the outcome was not what was wanted, we are proud of you all, especially when we receive this kind of notification! #LuersSpirit “It was an honor to officiate the 2024 Indiana High School Athletic Association Class 3A state finals between Fort Wayne Bishop Luers and Heritage Hills. During our post-game review of the game there were nothing but positive comments on several players. As a crew we felt it necessary to reward such exemplary behavior with the following write up. As we all know it starts with the Head Coach and his staff who spend countless hours molding the minds and attitudes of their student athletes. The way these young players interact is a direct reflection of the staff, school, their families and community. I am a firm believer that “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character”; I am honored to give both teams in the class 3A IHSAA State finals an exemplary behavior report as their attitude and character were never in question. Their displays of sportsmanship towards each other should be celebrated by the communities, school administration, families, alumni, and coaching staff they represent. The consistent exchange of positive support and comments during great plays, good tackles, etc. was refreshing. The character it takes in a game filled with emotion to support opposing players shows great courage and respect. A few players that stood out but not limited to: Numbers 2,3 and 50 Heritage Hills Numbers 8,15,23 and 29 Fort Wayne Bishop Luers Heritage Hills #3 the entire game from the start was a great communicator and leader, he discussed calls with officials and then thanked us for the explanations. FW Luers #23 while being down 24 was thanking officials’ shaking hands during time outs, thanking us for our service to high school football. The trait of a great leader is one that consistently demonstrates communications, respect and leadership through example. These young men did just that. We believe leaders are made, not born. The staffs of both teams should be proud of the men they have helped mold through experience, continued study, and hard work. There are a few things in life that student athletes never forget, Coaches and teachers and the life lessons both Coach Todd Wilkerson and Coach Kyle Lindsay have instilled in them will never be forgotten and will serve them well moving forward. The memories that were made on Saturday will be shared by everyone involved. They have now been ingrained into the history books of each community and school. Thank you again for allowing us to officiate for your student athletes.” Andy Simpson – Crew Chief Chris Walsh - Umpire Jay Carnagey - Back Judge Kevin Mikesell - Head Linesman Joe Gawor - Line Judge Participating Individuals: Entire Team