Cross Country (Girls Varsity) Cross Country (Boys Varsity)

Cross Country: State Finals

By Chad Smith | Oct 29, 2024 9:07 AM

In an attempt to have our fans prepared when we travel to another school for competition, Pendleton Heights Athletics will do our best to provide as much detail based on information the host school provides us prior to the event. Each school will have different ticket procedures and attendance protocols. Before traveling to an away competition, we recommend visiting our athletic website for specific information. Race Specific Information: Sport: Girls/Boys Cross Country Event: IHSAA State Finals Date: 11/2/24 Location: LaVern Gibson Championship Cross Country Course (Terre Haute) Time: 12:00 pm (girls) | 2:30 pm (boys) Tickets: Tickets only available online at Cost: $15.00 Streaming: Both state championship races will stream exclusively at via pay-per-view for $15. Pendleton Heights Runners: Ava Jarrell (Sr) Anya Zoeller (Fr) Benson Davis (Jr) Time Schedule: 9:30 AM Gates Open 11:45 AM Girls report to starting line 11:50 AM National Anthem 12:00 PM Girls Championship Race 1:00 PM Girls Awards Ceremony (or 20 mins after the conclusion of the race) 2:15 PM Boys report to starting line 2:20 PM National Anthem 2:30 PM Boys Championship Race 3:30 PM Boys Awards Ceremony (or 20 mins after the conclusion of the race) Parking: Available on site (requires a walk to the course area) All-State Recognition: The top 12 individuals from both races shall earn all-state honors. Additional Information: 1. Spectators must purchase tickets at the above ticket link 2. Purchase tickets in advance. No sales will be conducted at the entrance. 3. Race is held at LaVern Gibson Championship Cross Country Course in Terre Haute 4. NO PETS PERMITTED 5. Spectators should staff off of the course during the races