Scottsburg Senior High School Home of the Warriors & Warriorettes

Basketball (Boys V)

IHSAA Sectional 15 Hosted by Seymour High School - Know Before You Go!

By Jamie Lowry | Feb 26, 2025 11:50 AM

Curves Series - Gameday - Landscape.png

The 115th Annual IHSAA Boys Basketball State Tournament will get underway in Sectional play across the state next week.  The Scottsburg Warriors have moved up (thanks to the IHSAA Success Factor) to Class 4A this season and will play in the Seymour Sectional.  They will face the defending Sectional Champions, the Jeffersonville Red Devils in Game 1 on Tuesday, March 4th at 6 pm! Here is the information you need to know before you go! 1. Opening of Doors: The doors will be open one hour prior to the start of games 1, 3 & 5. Spectators are to enter through doors #11 or #15. 2. Tickets: Digital ticketing Only, through Eventlink. No Cash tickets will be sold at the gate.  Single Game Ticket - $7.00 – All sessions are $7.00 (No all-session passes will be sold)   5 years old and younger will be admitted for free.  Spectators are to enter through door #11 or #15.6. Parking/Team Drop off:  Handicap parking: Available in the lot located between the Football Stadium and Gym (North side) 3. Fan Seating: Will be posted for fans as they enter. Student sections are located in end zones. 4. Sportsmanship:  Considerable effort should be made to promote good sportsmanship. Give the officials the utmost cooperation in helping to eliminate any form of acting rowdy. If there should be any spectators unwilling to accept the principles of good sportsmanship, see that these individuals are evicted. 5. Restrictions: A. No publications, brochures, fliers, etc. of any kind, whether for sale or free‐of‐charge, are to be distributed at IHSAA tournament events without prior approval from the IHSAA. B. Balloons, banners and/or posters, etc. are not permitted. C. Cowbells and other such noise devices, banners, shakers on sticks, signs, posters, etc., are not permitted. D. No live animal mascots are permitted. E. Line‐up lanes of fans shall not be permitted on the playing floor at any time.F. Audio/video devices are not permitted on the playing floor. G. The throwing of articles, including toilet tissue, is not allowed. o Students must wear shirts and no body paint. 6. Bracket:  The second named team is the designated home team and will wear white. TUESDAY, MARCH 4TH G1: Jeffersonville vs Scottsburg Tuesday 6:00pm G2: Seymour vs Floyd Central Tuesday 7:30pm FRIDAY, MARCH 7TH G3: BNL vs. Winner of G1. Friday 6:00pm G4: New Albany vs. Winner of G2. Friday 7:30pm SATURDAY, MARCH 8TH G5: Championship: Winner of G3 vs. Winner of G4. Saturday 7:30pm Warm-up Time Schedule Games 1 & 3 5:00 Doors #11 & #15 Open for Fans 5:35 Horn to begin 20-minute warm-up period 5:55 End of warm-up--National Anthem 5:28 Player introductions 6:00 Tip off Games 2 & 4 At the conclusion of games 1 & 3, twenty minutes will be placed on the clock. The horn will sound to begin the 20- minute warm-up period at the end of warm-up period, player introductions. Tip off Championship game 6:30 Doors #11 & #15 Open for Fans 7:00 Horn to begin 20-minute warm-up period 7:25 National Anthem 7:28 Player introductions (only the starting 5) 7:30 Tip off – Championship game

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