Basketball (Girls JV)

Basketball (Girls JV) Scores

By Airrence Shark | Dec 18, 2023 3:29 PM

The Slicers secured their first win of the season in slicer gym against Portage friday night. The full court press helped the slicers keep a large lead all the way until the 4th quarter. Portage outscored LaPorte 12-6 in the 4th but it wasn't enough as LaPorte took the win. Alexandry'r Dawsey led LaPorte with 7 points, 10 rebounds, and 9 steals, and Keliaeyah Roundtree added 7 points as well. Congrads to these group of young girls continuing to improve after a rough start to the season. They continue play at home against South Bend Adams on December 16th.