Basketball (Girls MS 7th) Basketball (Girls MS 6th) Basketball (Girls MS 8th)

MS Girls Basketball Tryouts

By christopher Rossiano | Dec 10, 2024 9:24 AM

Middle School Girls basketball tryouts will be held on January 7th at the middle school and is open to any 6-7-8th grade girl. The schedule will be as follows: 6th grade will tryout on 1/7 from 3-5pm in the Aux Gym 8th grade will tryout on 1/7 from 3-5pm in the Main Gym 7th grade will tryout on 1/7 from 5-7pm in the Main Gym Athletes in 6th and 8th grade will stay after school and should report to the gym immediately. 7th grade girls should go home and will need a ride back to the school. Please make sure your athletes come prepared with proper shoes/clothing and a water bottle. ALL girls trying out must have a valid IHSAA athletic physical on file in the office and have Final Forms completed before trying out. If you are missing these items your student cannot tryout for basketball. If you have questions please direct them to Mr. Rossiano at

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