Baseball (JV 2) Baseball (JV 1) Baseball (V) Baseball Program

Fishers Baseball Dugout Club

By Matthew Cherry | Dec 1, 2024 3:00 AM

Fishers Dugout Club Logo.png

The Fishers Baseball Dugout Club was incorporated in 2006 as a registered 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. The organization is operated by volunteers who are parents of current Fishers High School (FHS) baseball players. The membership welcomes any baseball player, parent, alumni, or other person interested in the progress and development of the FHS baseball program. The Mission of the Dugout Club is to work closely with the head baseball coach to foster, encourage, support, and provide assistance for the benefit of the baseball program of Fishers High School. Upon payment of dues, parents or guardians of FHS Tiger players become voting members. This allows parents to vote on issues impacting the Dugout Club and any support of the FHS baseball program and/or Fishers Community at-large. Current FHS Tiger baseball players, alumni, and other persons interested in the program are welcomed as non-voting members. More information can be found on the Dugout Club's Website at A list of the Golf Outing and First Pitch Dinner Sponsors can be found on this website. ​All donations (monetary and in-kind) and dues are tax deductible.

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