2024-25 TigerONE Memberships NOW Available
By Rob Seymour | Jul 24, 2024 9:54 AM

Registrations Available https://fisherstigersathletics.com/Registrations ANNUAL DONATION / MEMBERSHIP LEVEL AND BENEFITS (TigerONE Annual Memberships and tikets are valid thru the 2024-25 school year) WHITE $50 Name recognition on website SILVER $100 Name recognition on website / 10 Punch Fan Pass RED $250 Name recognition on website / Two (2) 2024-25 Adult All-Sport Passes TigerONE Objectives • Raise funds to benefit all Fishers High School student athletes, coaches, teams and booster clubs • Provide scholarships for graduating senior student athletes • Provide grants to the FHS Athletic Department and FHS athletic teams for new equipment, supplies and other needs • Provide 501(c)(3) tax exempt status for booster clubs and teams to help raise tax-deductible donations • Promote attendance and school spirit at all Fishers High School sporting events