Champions 101 Friday Message - BE A PROBLEM SOLVER
By Rob Seymour | Jul 19, 2024 10:30 AM

BE A PROBLEM SOLVER In a recent newsletter, I talked about the negative effects complaining can have on our health, our performance, and our relationships. Simply put, complaining is for losers. So this week I want to flip the script and focus on the winning approach that defines the champion's mindset, and encourage you to adopt it for yourself. When we make the commitment to become a champion - when we choose to chase excellence in any meaningful area of life - we also have to accept that problems will be a part of our pursuit. Sometimes we create those problems for ourselves and sometimes they’re created by others. Other times nobody's to blame; it’s just a stroke of bad luck or a cruel twist of fate we encounter. Whatever they look like or however they emerge, one thing is clear. Problems don’t define the champion. Solutions do. That's because the truth is, anyone can identify a problem. In fact, many people are elite problem identifiers. But it takes someone special to solve problems. That’s one of many ways the champion separates themselves from everyone else. It’s true for each of us. Our approach to problems says a lot about who we are and a lot about how worthy we are of winning in any area of life. But being a problem solver isn’t easy. It requires from us a unique combination of belief, creativity, and resolve. Let’s take a quick look at the role each of those important qualities play in our winning pursuit. Our approach to problems says a lot about who we are and a lot about how worthy we are of winning in any area of life. 1. Problem solving requires some belief. Champions don’t just hope their problems can be solved. They believe it. In fact, I’d argue champions have an almost irrational belief that whatever challenge it is they’re facing, they can find a way to overcome. Of course that strong belief on its own doesn't guarantee any of us success in problem solving. There are some problems that may be unsolvable, and others we aren’t responsible for taking on. But that single conviction creates an empowering mindset that encourages us to take action, to get to work, and to figure this thing out. Compare that to the fragile belief held by the loser. That lack of conviction, and some of the assumptions that come with it - that this problem is too big, that it can’t be solved and that there’s no use trying - also creates a powerful mindset. It encourages the loser to more quickly and more easily step out of the fight, typically without really exhausting every available resource. Often the loser has accepted defeat for themselves long before the outcome is actually determined. 2. Problem solving requires some creativity. It’s important to have a plan in place for achieving success, but it’s also important to be creative. Champions are extremely adaptable. When their initial path forward is met by a roadblock, they're able to step back, reassess where they are and come up with a new strategy. They’re humble and flexible enough to accept that their way may not be the only way....or even the best way. When you combine that flexibility with a strong belief, it creates confidence that eventually you’ll get there, even if how you get there needs some adjusting. While champions are creative and flexible, losers are often rigid and either unwilling or unable to adapt. It might be their arrogance that keeps them from seeing that their way may not be the only way...or the best way. They can barely muster the belief that there’s a solution to this problem, let alone accepting that another solution may be required. Once their avenue to success is blocked, losers are quick to pack it in and head for home. 3. Problem solving requires some resolve. Lastly and maybe most importantly, champions solve problems because they are deeply determined to reach their destination. Problem solving can be arduous and inconvenient. It can test us, both mentally and physically. Passing that test requires something deep inside. Call it grit. Call it guts. Call it toughness. Whatever you call it, the champion's got it. Losers, not surprisingly, don’t have the resolve it takes to pass that test. When problems arise, losers break down. They focus on the unfairness of their situation or make excuses for what can't be accomplished. Their weakness is exposed in their moments of challenge and adversity. Of course, nobody likes problems, and nobody would choose to include them as part of their pursuit. But champions recognize that when we make a commitment to chasing excellence, that’s part of the deal. In doing so, they also recognize that every problem they encounter represents an opportunity to validate who they are and what they're all about. It's important to see that every problem you encounter provides you with that opportunity, too. So keep building your belief, keep cultivating your creativity, and keep raising your level of resolve. Keep solving the problems that are part of your pursuit. Keep doing what champions do. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHAMPIONS 101 NEWSLETTER HERE. Copyright Champions 101. All rights reserved.