Clarksville High School Home of the Generals

Volleyball (Girls V/JV)

Lady Generals fall to Southwestern in Volleyball

By Levi Carmichael | Aug 17, 2023 10:52 AM

Last night's game was rough but we did have some good highlights, especially with our JV team in the second set. Jv lost the first set 25-9. After a good huddle after the first set, Jv came back in the second set and lost 25-20. Varsity struggled last night. Lost 8-25 first set, 15-25 second set and 14-25 third set. Growing our mental toughness as a team was a goal that we set last night. Highlights of last night's game: Jayonna Shirley had a couple blocks and touches. Courtney Austin had several good digs. Bailey Senior had great tips as a setter. Emma Money was able to get her first block of the season!! This is just the start of the season and we are able to recognize early on the barriers that we are facing and what we need to do to correct them.

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